Friday, December 10, 2010

Character Design

Assignment: In groups of 3, create illustrated characters representing each of the members of the group. As a group, you will determine the name and purpose of your group of characters and the visual style in which you will render the characters. You will also work together to create a cohesive set of characters that resemble one another stylistically, while clearly connecting to the real life appearance of your group members. Your finished characters should be displayed on one completed document with the name of the group incorporated into the design.

(Click on image for larger view)

Solution: The group decided to base our characters on scary, cartoon, night-time monsters. We based certain aspects of the monsters after our appearance. To achieve coherency between each of our characters we used a gradient in the color scheme and varied the widths of the strokes. I designed the group name by taking a normal font and adding extra pieces to make each letter into a different type of little monster. 

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