Sunday, December 12, 2010

Web Design Concept

Assignment: Your client has won a grant to create an educational website for kids ages 3-7. The website is called clucks&moos and will be all about farm animals; what they look like, what they do, noises they make, where they live, what they eat, etc…. In order to get the first disbursement of grant funds, the granting agency wants to see the design concept for the site. The client needs you to create the concept for the site by starting with the homepage. The homepage needs to include the following; 1. The name of the site clucks&moos, and 2. A navigation bar with the following; Home, Farm Friends, Feed Me, Animal House, Hear Me, and Farm Life.
(Click on image for larger view)

Solution: For my project I wanted to use an illustration style that resembles something a child could connect with. I chose to use a brushed/textured element over basic, layered shapes to resemble a more sophisticated construction paper collage. I chose to use vibrant colors to attract attention and also used a font that kept with the cut-out shape style. 

Friday, December 10, 2010

Passage Illustration

Assignment: For this project you will create an original illustration for a passage from your favorite book or poem.

(Click on image for larger view)

Solution: I chose a passage from the book The Shack by William P. Young. The passage reads:
“Mack, pain has a way of clipping our wings and keeping us from being able to fly.” She waited a moment, allowing her words to settle. “And if left unresolved for very long, you can almost forget that you were ever created to fly in the first place."
I wanted to do a washed-out painted feel for this illustration. I used watercolor brushes and varying transperancy to acheive this. I wanted to depict a person who is so taken over by fear that he's walking in darkness. All he has to do is spread his wings and fly above the trees into the bright blue sky.

DeMoss Hallway Design

Assignment: Students will create artwork for the first floor DeMoss entry area outside of the Career Center.

(Click on image for larger view)

Project Proposal Site
(Click on image for larger view)

Solution: For this group project our group took an area of wall where we could go from floor to ceiling for the middle pannels, and from the top of couches to the ceiling for the outside panels. We wanted to represent each school at Liberty University and divided them up for one school per baner. We chose to silhoutette items from each school to decorate the baners along with type that represented the school. Final project dementions were 4 panels 2'x8' and 4 panels 2'x5'.

Photorealism Illustration

Assignment: Your 
products. Therefore 
to create 

(Click on image for larger view)

Wire Frame
(Click on image for larger view)

Solution: Using the gradient mesh tool I created a photorealistic illustration of Axe Body Wash. For a prop I used a piece of paper with a phone number on it.  This was to play off of the Axe advertising campaign that says Axe attracts women.

Character Design

Assignment: In groups of 3, create illustrated characters representing each of the members of the group. As a group, you will determine the name and purpose of your group of characters and the visual style in which you will render the characters. You will also work together to create a cohesive set of characters that resemble one another stylistically, while clearly connecting to the real life appearance of your group members. Your finished characters should be displayed on one completed document with the name of the group incorporated into the design.

(Click on image for larger view)

Solution: The group decided to base our characters on scary, cartoon, night-time monsters. We based certain aspects of the monsters after our appearance. To achieve coherency between each of our characters we used a gradient in the color scheme and varied the widths of the strokes. I designed the group name by taking a normal font and adding extra pieces to make each letter into a different type of little monster. 

Zoo Animals

Assignment: Your design firm has been asked to create a series of graphic icons for signs that will be placed around a new zoo. The signs will point visitors to different animal groups around the zoo and will contain only a graphic icon on a solid square background.

(Click on image for larger view)

Solution: I decided to use just the faces of the animals as I believe those are the most recognizable part. To achieve uniformity I used the same style for the eyes of each animal. I also used the same stroke weight to define parts inside the white shapes of the heads.

Advanced Shapes

Assignment: Expand on the idea of creating illustrative elements using only basic shapes by developing a more complex/more detailed rendering of one identifiable object. Again, this should be accomplished using only basic shapes on an 8.5x11 document.

(Click on image for larger view)

Solution: I chose to do the fountain in front of DeMoss Hall. I used mainly ovals for the base and the wings of the eagle.

Basic Shapes

Assignment: Create 10-15 identifiable objects using Adobe Illustrator by combining basic shapes in various ways. All shapes should be rendered in only black and white and should fit on one 8.5x11 document.

(Click on image for larger view)

Solution: I used basic shapes to create semi-realistic renditions of various objects. From top left to right: iPod, Computer displaying Illustrator, Electrical Outlet, Key Ring, Fish, Leaf, Cannon, Vines Center, Lego Man, Bunny in Magic Hat. I used a more basic realistic design for all objects except the fish which I used a more abstract approach.